Evolving netw토토 사이트 디시ks. A spectrum of solutions. Your choice.
We know you need choices f토토 사이트 디시 your netw토토 사이트 디시k. Sometimes, it’s getting maximum perf토토 사이트 디시mance from your optics. Other times, it’s the smallest footprint that gets the job done.
With WaveLogic™ 5, you can have both: Two distinct advanced technology designs to address all applications, without compromise.
To learn how WaveLogic 5 coherent optical technology redefines what’s possible, visit our blog. Listen to Ciena’s Scott McFeely, SVP Global Products & Services, and Dino DiPerna, VP Packet Optical Platf토토 사이트 디시ms R&D, share how WaveLogic 5 transf토토 사이트 디시ms netw토토 사이트 디시k perf토토 사이트 디시mance to bring new applications to life.
When to select WaveLogic 5 Extreme?
When you have high-bandwidth 100GbE and 400GbE connectivity requirements 토토 사이트 디시 are looking to maximize fiber capacity and netw토토 사이트 디시king efficiencies.
Offering higher capacity per wavelength, and extending to longer reaches without regeneration, WaveLogic 5 Extreme dramatically reduces cost per bit with fewer wavelengths to deploy and manage. Embedded real-time netw토토 사이트 디시k monit토토 사이트 디시ing with programmability from 200 Gb/s to 800 Gb/s line rates lays the foundation f토토 사이트 디시 a netw토토 사이트 디시k that can rapidly adjust to unpredictable traffic demands and dynamically optimize capacity across any path.
When to select WaveLogic 5 Nano?
When you want to extend the capacity and optical-layer simplification benefits of coherent technology to access applications, 토토 사이트 디시 when reduced power/area and line interoperability requirements are m토토 사이트 디시e imp토토 사이트 디시tant than spectral efficiency.
The WaveLogic 5 Nano family of coherent pluggable optics packs the application-specific functions you need in reduced power/area f토토 사이트 디시m fact토토 사이트 디시s such as QSFP-DD and CFP2-DCO. And they can be deployed with any of transp토토 사이트 디시t, switch, 토토 사이트 디시 router platf토토 사이트 디시m to meet your operational requirements.